Swifvac Founders on the Mini Vacuum Designed for Modern Living

3 mins read

The vacuum cleaner just got cuter and more convenient. We recently got to try out the Swifvac, a mini vacuum cleaner designed for modern living. By mini, we mean it can fit in the palm of your hand…which makes it a whole lot more convenient for cleaning up small messes than pulling out the full size (or even previous hand size) of vacuum.

The Swifvac charges by USB cord and can be run without being plugged in at all, meaning it can live nearby yet out of sight, and used for anything from cleaning up crumbs a the work-from-home desk or picking up dirt from the car floor. It’s also quiet. And it works! And it’s only $25. Click here and use our promo code DIVVY10 for an extra 10% off. 

We recently spoke with Thomas Amegadzie about founding Swifvac alongside partner Samuel Cocks.


Why Swifvac?

Life is full of small messes that are frustrating to deal with. Our surveys and customer interviews have shown several specific customer pain points which SwifVac solves – crumbs from streaming and snacking in bed and on the couch, dust in the keyboard, loose hairs from shaving, coffee table messes, pet hair on couches, messes made by small children in the home and on the car seat, dirt and crud inside handbags and backpacks, lint and dander on clothing, crumbs from eating in the car, and spilled ash just to name a few. Modern lifestyles require quick, simple solutions to cleanliness that are fun and don’t break the bank.

While conventional dust-busters have their place, they’re bulky, relatively expensive, and rarely right there when you need them. Customers want a convenient solution that’s small and sleek enough to leave out on the countertop or pop in a drawer.

Tell me about your business partnership.

Sam and I both began the INSEAD 1-year MBA program on its Fontainebleau, France campus in January 2020 and were placed in the same student section. Coincidentally we both took the same elective class during their 3rd academic period called Startup Booster for Entrepreneurship. We both individually told the professor, Raomal Perera, that more than just working on an idea, we wanted to gain a better appreciation for collaboration and team dynamics and gain more comfort with trusting in the workplace, delegation, and not trying to do everything individually ourselves.

Hearing this, Raomal suggested that we team up. So we did, we remembered each other as pleasant and intelligent from our time in our section classroom (before we had to move to online zoom classes ☹️)- we decided that whatever we would work on, we would work on it together. Then it got to the point where we exchanged our ideas.

I always say Sam had a great, a more respectable idea that sounds like the type of thing that would actually get investment. We still have plans to continue working on Sam’s business idea, but we decided to go with my idea because we believed it was a bit more executable in the short term and that it would give us the best opportunity to learn about the whole business creation process in a shorter amount of time. 

And what was the inspiration for Swifvac?

With my background in digital and growth marketing, I’ve always thought that I could sell to the click-to-purchase millennial and Gen z audience if I had a product that was simple and a light enough investment…. Fast forward to when I was going through the French covid lockdown in Fontainebleau. I am good at snacks, I don’t just like snacks, I am good at snacks- I know how to pair the right snack with a good streaming view. I know the optimal ratio of peanuts to raisins in a homemade trail mix (it’s actually a range between 3:2 and 5:3…anything outside this range is farcical). I know that pound for pound, grapes are actually the best snack.

During the national french covid-19 lockdown, my happy place between the zoom classes was watching my stories on Netflix and Hulu and streaming Premier League matches while I ate snacks and meals in my bed. But honestly, there were crumbs- and as a grown man, crumbs in the bed are not a good look. I would use my hand or arm to brush the crumbs away, but that was not a perfect solution; some crumbs would still remain and there is nothing worse than trying to go to sleep when you feel rogue crumbs on your skin.

So I thought “If only there was a mini vacuum cleaner that’s sole job on this planet was to simply clean the crumbs that result from me snacking in bed while streaming my stories.” 


What’s different about this product?

SwifVac is a mini handheld vacuum cleaner powered by cyclone suction that is capable of cleaning small messes such as crumbs, hair, lint, and fine particles.

Key features include:

● Two settings for category-leading suction power.

● USB rechargeable for increased convenience.

● Long battery life.

● Very quiet so will not disturb children, animals or colleagues.

● Sleek design, intended to look attractive if left out on a surface.

● A twist-off dust collector makes it very easy to clean.

● Detachable nozzle to reach those nooks and crannies.

● Environmentally friendly packaging.


We here at Divvy can confirm that Swifvac is awesome. Click here to shop.

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